trx resistance band back exercises

12 Best Resistance Band Exercises to Build a Stronger Back

When people think about exercising their back, they typically think of weight training. This isn’t wrong, but resistance bands are just as effective yet underutilized by most individuals. Today, we’re going to show you the best resistance band back exercises you can add to your arsenal.
trainers doing deadlifts on pull day

The 12 Best Pull Exercises to Build Muscle & Strength

If you workout regularly, you probably know about the push-pull split. These types of exercises are great for building a number of muscles, but what are the best pull exercises to do?
trx exercises on the beach

20 TRX Exercises to Do With a Suspension Trainer + Workouts

If you’re a fan of effective & efficient workouts without a ton of expensive equipment, look no further than the TRX Suspension Trainer. Its versatility is unparalleled and its ability to hit every major muscle group while simultaneously working your core is what drives the tagline “All Core, All the Time.” 
shoulder exercises with resistance band

10 Shoulder Exercises to Do Using Resistance Bands

Shoulders are tricky to exercise. You need to strengthen them if you want your body to stay healthy, but they can easily be overworked and injured. That’s why shoulder exercises with resistance bands are so powerful.
The 30-Minute Resistance Band Arm Workout to Build Muscle

The 30-Minute Resistance Band Arm Workout to Build Muscle

Are you looking to build strong and sculpted arms but don't have access to a gym or weights? Look no further! In this article, we will guide you through a 30-minute resistance band arm workout to build muscle and tone and strengthen your biceps, triceps, and shoulders.
female trainer doing slam ball exercises

10 Slam Ball Exercises to Build Power & Explosiveness + Workout

In the ever-evolving world of fitness, where new trends come and go, one workout tool has stood the test of time, delivering explosive power and full-body strength gains: the slam ball. If you're tired of the same workout routine, we’ve got you covered.
trx cycling

TRX Training Cycling Tips to Prepare for a Ride or Race

To warmer weather, the Tour de France, and/or passion to get you or your clients out on the bike- we have asked our resident cycling expert & TRX Senior Master Instructor Dan McDonogh here to share his top  tips when training for a race, long ride, or to improve your personal enjoyment of this amazing sport:
strength training at home

3 Full-Body Strength Training Workouts You Can Try at Home

Most of us want to exercise and stay healthy, but our busy schedules can make it hard to go to the gym. For that reason, we recommend incorporating strength training at home. We are excited to share three highly effective full-body workouts that you can easily work into your routine from the comfort of your own home.
kettlebells for chest exercises

10 Kettlebell Chest Exercises to Try Today + Sample Workout

When you’re training your chest, you probably use dumbbells and barbells to get the job done. But, kettlebells are a great alternative and can be just as effective for building strength and muscle mass.