20_09_06_LOUIS_LOPEZ_MOTW_v01 (1)


In this installment of TRX Moves of the Week, Louis Lopez hits a sequence of moves that will challenge your core, chest, shoulders, and legs! These three exercises will include a modified TRX forearm plank, a modified TRX Fly, and a Lunge with Slam Ball variations. 

The first exercise will focus on your core (all those muscles from mid-thigh to collarbone). Here's how to get started with a modified TRX forearm plank.

man performing a modified TRX plank on TRX Suspension Trainer, at home

Start with your straps fully lengthened and stand facing away from your anchor point. With your forearms in the foot cradles, slowly step back so that you are at a slight angle and allow your forearms to rest on the foot cradles with your elbows set at a 90-degree angle. Begin the exercise by holding the position for 30 seconds and maintain active glutes, quads, and core. 

You can make this more challenging by beginning to straighten out your arms into what we call a modified rollout. If you are performing the modified rollout, return to the start position by bringing your arms back to a 90-degree position, then reset your active plank before straightening your arms out again. It is recommended to perform this exercise for 30 seconds, 2-3 sets total.

The second exercise is the modified TRX Fly, which focuses specifically on your chest and shoulders

man performing a modified TRX fly at home on TRX Suspension Trainer

Start with your straps fully lengthened and stand facing away from your anchor point. With your forearms in the foot cradles, slowly step your feet back so that you are at a slight angle, allowing your forearms to rest on the foot cradles with your elbows set at a 90-degree angle. Begin the exercise by starting with your palms facing each other, then slowly begin to abduct, or open up, your arms (while maintaining your elbows at 90 degrees) until your arms are in line with your shoulders and your palms are front-facing. Make sure to maintain your active plank during the movement. 

Return to the start position by abducting, or closing, your arms back while continuing to maintain the 90-degree angle in the elbows. It is recommended to perform this exercise for 30 seconds, 2-3 sets total.

The final exercise is the Lunge with Slam Ball variations, which will specifically focus on balance and stability.

man performing a lunge while holding a slam ball, at home

Grab your slam ball and begin by holding it in your right arm. Split your legs into a lunge position, while keeping your front foot flat and your back heel off the ground, and make sure the slam ball is rested between your right chest and right shoulder. Begin the exercise by slowly bending your back knee to 90 degrees, which will naturally allow the front knee to bend to 90 degrees as well. Make sure to brace your core during the movement to help increase stability. 

Return to the start position by straightening out both legs and maintaining the slam ball rested between the chest and shoulder. As a progression, you can also keep the slam ball in your hand, but keep it just above your shoulder, or make it even more challenging by lifting the ball up completely over your head as you bend your knees. It is recommended to perform this exercise between 10 - 12 repetitions each side, 2-3 sets total. 

We hope you enjoyed these simple TRX moves for anybody! If you want to see more exercises like these and full workouts, check our for TRX Live + On Demand workouts, and as always be sure to tune in next week for another episode of TRX Moves of the Week.


Louis Lopez is known to have a strong voice and motivating wordplay, with his specialties ranging from HIIT style workouts to Boot Camp classes. He believes that proper program design, a motivating personality, and a great playlist can help anyone push themselves to be their best.

TRX Instructor Louis Lopez