3 Strength Exercises for Endurance Runners

3 Strength Exercises for Endurance Runners

As we’ve often shared before, strength training is a great complement to cardio exercise. Whether you love to row, bike, or run marathons, weight training and strength exercises can help you to improve your core strength and stability, increase your running economy, and help prevent muscle pain or injury.
trx pullups

4 Ways to Strengthen Your Grip for Pull-Ups

Have you ever experienced the frustration of dropping a kettlebell mid-workout due to a weakened grip? Or found it challenging to maintain a firm hold on a bar while attempting a pull-up or chin-up?
rehab exercises using trx suspension trainer

How to Create a Strength and Conditioning Program for Injury Rehab

Movement acts as a therapeutic balm for the body. Whether you're undergoing injury rehabilitation or engaging in strength training to prevent injuries, motion plays a crucial role in the healing process.
foam rolling for muscle recovery

Remedies for Muscle Recovery During Weight or Resistance Training

I’m sure everyone who’s ever been through a resistance training workout knows all about the dreaded feeling of getting up the following day: You feel like you’ve been hit by a bus. It feels like you’ve done some serious damage to your body, and you’re hurting in muscle groups that you never knew existed.
Proper Form and the Principles of Human Movement When Exercising

Proper Form and the Principles of Human Movement When Exercising

 Proper technique is often readily identifiable to a skilled coach. Whether you're engaging in exercises on a gym floor or following an exercise program, there are generally established guidelines aimed at minimizing the risk of injury for individuals.
ybell exercises for air force

The Air Force Physical Fitness Test Standards

If you’re hoping to enlist in the Air Force, it’s never too soon to prepare for the Air Force Basic Military Training (BMT). Mental and physical training will be critical to your success at BMT, which will push you to new limits.
dumbbells for chest exercises

7 Most Effective Dumbbell Chest Exercises To Do At Home

Many athletes and strength trainers struggle to build muscle mass in their chest. Strength training enthusiasts and bodybuilders are constantly searching for the best at-home dumbbell chest exercises to build their pecs.
group trx workout in studio

How to Maximize Space in Your Club or Studio

If you manage a gym or studio, you understand the importance of utilizing every square foot efficiently to generate revenue.
trainer using kettlebell to exercise

Kettlebells vs. Dumbbells: Which One Is Right for You?

As you step into the gym for your resistance training session, you're faced with various options: barbells, machines, dumbbells, and kettlebells. Now, the question arises: which one should you choose? You may have heard that kettlebell workouts are excellent for strength training, but should they completely replace dumbbells?